Law Firm

Kydalov & Partners

It works in Ukraine and specializes in providing legal assistance to a wide range of legal and private individuals.

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Surrogacy in Ukraine: Positive and Negative Aspects

Surrogate motherhood is a very profitable business in Ukraine. Every year a lot of foreigners come from countries where the procedure of surrogacy is illegal or costs a lot of money to get services of Ukrainians who will carry and give birth to their children for money remuneration. The cost of such service usually ranges […]

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Escape from Russia: How to Make Money in Ukraine

Already half of a year Russia’s ruling elite with maniacal persistence prove sufficiency of Russia in the present-day world, general independence from civilized rules of politics and the civilized world, from the global integration process. From outside such actions are similar to a gradual burning of all existing bridges between Russia and Western countries resulting […]

The Future of Alternative Types of Dispute Resolution in Ukraine

In economically developed countries, the dispute resolution in court almost always means that the appearer rely on a breach of further business relations with his opponent. The explanation for this state of affairs is quite simple: if the parties have a genuine and mutual desire to establish the true cause of the dispute, to maintain […]

How to Travel Abroad with Children from Ukraine

International marriages are not unusual. Many Ukrainians marriage foreigners and have children in such marriages. So, sometimes there is a need to travel with children abroad in such international couples. Circumstances for such trips can be different: it is a vacation trip, or, in case of the existence of international marriage, it is the need […]

Risk allocation in treaty obligations

Mandatory and conscientious fulfillment of assumed contractual obligations is the aim of any transaction. However, the specificity of such relationship shows that at the stage of execution of the obligation against the will of any of the parties may be circumstances (events) leading to a breach of contractual obligations. The danger of different kinds of […]

Новости Кидалов и партнеры

How to protect and save assets that remained in Crimea

Many Ukrainian companies and foreign owners have owned assets in Crimea. Because of the illegal annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation quite difficult issues about protecting or rescuing these assets appear. One of the main obstacles for saving business assets is the fact that Ukraine has closed access to all state registries about the […]

Recovery of alimony in Ukraine from persons living abroad

Today, international marriages have become common and not rare events. In most cases, marriage to a foreigner causes relocation abroad. It can happen that cohabitation is terminated and Ukrainian women return home to Ukraine, often they come back with children. Also, there are cases when Ukrainian men go abroad to work or study while their […]

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