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How to avoid a fraud adopting a child from Ukraine

The procedure of adoption of a child from Ukraine is complicated, expensive and long. Ukrainian legislation makes the process of adoption transparent as much as possible, candidates must prove their welfare and reputation (in the broadest sense of these words) to exclude the possibility of adoption by dishonest and careless parents. Also, in the process of adoption the court hearing is held, it is decided there if the family gets permission for adoption.  Court judgment depends on financial situation and welfare of the family that wants to adopt a child.  But, unfortunately, some swindles on the side of Ukrainian institutes which take part in the process of adoption happen as well, and they are poorly controlled. In this article we will describe different fraud types and schemes and give some pieces of advice on how not to get caught in the swindlers’ toils.

According to the Ukrainian legislation, a family can adopt a child by going to tutorship and guardianship authorities. You don’t have to go to any other organizations. Nowadays, more than 20 different private organizations and agencies work in Ukraine, which would offer you a wide range of services in the process of adoption. It is difficult for foreigners who don’t know Ukrainian or Russian languages or don’t understand procedure of adoption in Ukraine to do without their help. Their services may vary from selecting pictures of children-candidates to meeting foreign couples in the airport and escorting them to the center of adoption. If you want to go to these organizations for help, you have to be ready to pay significant amount of money: prices start at 20 thousand dollars. You will never find exact price, because it is forbidden for non-state agencies to make some services (like collection of personal children data). Therefore, all payments are required in form of donations or a payment for some ephemeral services, that aren’t devoted to adoption process.

Cluster cases of such fraud happen more often. In these cases several couples are influenced by a group of swindlers. Agencies, which are said to help future adopters, collect their money for “welfare assistance” to orphan asylums promising that administration will agree to give a child for adoption. Swindlers hold people in permanent intenseness by sending them photos of their future children or public authorities’ partial decisions. They can also disappoint them by telling that Ukrainian clerks won’t give any documents without a bribe etc. Swindlers will pull the money out of families’ pockets until they will find out that they became scam victims. As you see, swindlers use families’ lack of knowledge about adoption process and also manipulate their emotions and trust.

Also, in the process of adoption you can be faced with children services’ unfairness. There is a high level of corruption in Ukraine, so you can be asked by children services’ workers to give a bribe. Otherwise, you will become “undeserving an adoption”. Furthermore, if you want to adopt a newborn you will have an option to receive information about children abandoned in maternity clinics who don’t even have any documents yet, for some money of course. Also you should pay a lot of attention to children health. There were some cases when adopted child had serious congenital or mental disease, but his new parents weren’t informed about that.

There were also cases when adopted children turned out to be sociopaths. It is not surprising, because some orphan houses have inhuman living conditions, so even in such a young age a child has to learn how to survive in this society. But any children’s services officer won’t take adopter to such orphanage, he will take him to trouble-free orphan asylum. No one will tell you about children’s problems in social adaptation.

So, while solving some questions with document preparations or communicating with public authorities you should better hire a professional lawyer. It will be much lower priced, and you will be sure in your helpers’ competence and loyalty.  Also, this will turn off the language barrier that will occur with every foreigner communicating with children’s service authorities. Such aspects of children’s social adaptation or some specific features can be checked by a local lawyer in advance, like an interview with a private psychologist (not with psychologist from an orphan house). That will help you to make a balanced and informed decision.

Some legal firms in Ukraine make consultations in child welfare sphere, so it isn’t hard to find an assistant in this question. Don’t disregard the possibility of lawyer’s help; even if you lost your money due to swindlers, you have a chance to get a good consultation and necessary help if you are going  to court or enforcement authority.

Author: Kydalov Igor

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by tim tucker on Kydalov & Partners

I agree that Ukrainian legislation requires transparency in the adoption process, but this whole transparency and the meeting of the court can be turned into a farce simple bribes and do not need to go into any questionable company. Gave a bribe to the chief of service children and you can tell the issue is resolved.

by Vika on Kydalov & Partners

Corruption exists in many areas of life in Ukraine. Especially if you need something from government offices (documents, permits, visas etc.). Therefore would be better to use lawyer for many cases because that is cheaper and faster, in child adoption cases too.

by Vicki on Kydalov & Partners

Yes, I agree, because in dealing with this issue you need to be very careful and sure to contact a lawyer. The law firm will provide competent advice and will assist in preparing all the necessary documents. Question saving a money here is misplaced, because we are talking about a child.

by Astrella on Kydalov & Partners

Never give bribes for clerks by yourself, because you will be cheated in 99% and you will lose your money. Not be alone in your case, find a honest lawyer

Publication Date: 04.05.2015
Views: 4.3K


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