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Inheritance for foreigners in Ukraine

Every year, the borders between cities, countries and even continents cease to be a major obstacle for people who crave actively moving to new places. Everyone has their own reasons. Somebody looks for high salary or hurries to build successful career, somebody wants to get new knowledge, while others seek a new life in search of their love hoping to have their own happy family here.

Regardless of the reasons that push people to emigration, they leave their friends, relatives or acquaintances. In some way they leave a part of themselves in their “old” life. But you can’t just run away from that previous life, you can’t burn all bridges behind and delete all memories. Anyway we get some phone calls and letters from close people and this news is not always joyful, and they can be sad too.

That sad news very often is the death of our relatives. And in any case life does not stop, even if sorrow is the biggest one we want to turn back time. Even in such busy and moral-depressing period we have not to forget about the legal side of the coin in this situation. The inheritance is the most time-consuming legal process. the whole problematic of this situation is very often a consequence of lack of knowledge of the laws, rules and regulations, which regulate this process. But the most common cause remains an active opposition of other stakeholders in the hope of getting all the inheritance, they believe they have the right to get as much of it as they can, even if it does not sound trivial.

For people who emigrate to other countries or just neighboring cities, sometimes even the fact of getting or needing of getting the inheritance becomes a continuous surprise. How often do we hear of deceased relatives who have left an impressive inheritance, but whom we have never known in our life ever?

Sometimes there are situations when the heir is unlawfully deprived of the inheritance, etc., and therefore only reference to a court in a timely manner will correct these negative situations.

The result of this circumstance is the need to get into various property disputes and longstanding wiggery, which lasts for years. That’s why our life goes on and it is reasonable to get all that belongs to us.

The situations that we face in life are rather typical but at the same time are different. The consultation of specialists to protect your rights and interests are as also so necessary as medical care during your illness. And if doctors are responsible for saving the patient’s life, the lawyers protect the material welfare of the client, which is too important, understanding of the life complexities in our country and abroad. The quality advice and support of the inheritance procedures cannot only ensure the protection of property rights and interests of clients in the process of inheritance in Ukraine but also can save considerable money and time resources.

Author: Kydalov Igor

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Publication Date: 21.01.2014
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