101 Best Inspirational Quotes For Entrepreneurs
Whether you’re in the early stages of your start-up or looking for some inspiration to keep going, we’ve compiled 101 kickass quotes for entrepreneurs. Remember when starting your own company, it’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon. 1. “Your reputation is more important than your paycheck, and your integrity is worth more than your career.” […]

Buying a Business: Evaluation of the Benefits and Risks of the Operation
There is no doubt that for some people, buying an existing business is more advantageous than starting a business from scratch. And not the least reason for this decision lies in the fact that few people want to start from scratch and therefore prefers that someone had made a great part of the original work, […]

The Most Common Form for Starting a Business in Ukraine
In this article we will discuss the most common form of starting business in Ukraine, according to current legislation of Ukraine, which provides a number of legal forms for the establishment of the enterprise. Prospective investor can choose any of the possible: • full liability partnership; • limited partnership; • limited liability partnership; • additional […]

Business Inheritance in Ukraine
Most people sooner or later face a question of inheritance. The fact of close person’s death is stressful for most people, and, therefore, the question of inheritance registration can be quite difficult to solve. In addition, if real estate or movable property inheritance issues are more or less regulated by the Civil Code of Ukraine, […]

Education System and Training for Non-residents in Ukraine
Ukraine has made significant steps in developing of national education system. The system of education in Ukraine includes pre-school and higher education as well. Ukrainian universities are present in European and world educational space, take part in Bologna process, etc. In Ukraine, there is a large number of facilities and institutions I Ukraine. Ukrainian educational […]

Tax Treatment of Non-residents in Ukraine
Contraction: Tax Code of Ukraine – TC of Ukraine State Fiscal Service of Ukraine and organizational chart – SFS Procedure for taxation of income paid to a non-resident or his permanent establishment is determined by section 160 of Tax Code of Ukraine which regulates the relationship between non-residents and tax payers of income – residents […]

Distant Trade in Ukraine of the Companies – Non-residents: Features of Tax Regulation
Experts declare that the market of distance selling is rapidly growing: being able to get to the customer in the most inaccessible point, the distance selling is taking off in Ukraine. A number of significant advantages over traditional trading allows the distance selling to increase the volumes. Companies specializing in distance selling use all possible […]

Acknowledgement of Paternity in Ukraine: Legal Aspects
Modern development of the world is marked by active human migration. People are actively moving around the world, start new relationships, sometimes contract formal marriages, give birth to children etc. These trends are also common for Ukraine. With active migration there are some cases when a father is not present in the country when the […]

The Availability of Assisted Reproductive Technologies for Single Persons. Legal Aspects
The development of modern medicine and science makes many things, which previously seemed fantastic, available. Especially noticeable progress is in the field of assisted reproductive technologies in general and surrogate motherhood in particular. Ukraine is one of a few countries where surrogacy is permitted by law, and Article 123 of the Family Code sets the […]

Particularity of Receipt of the Citizenship of Ukraine. Laws and Regulations
To obtain citizenship in any country you have to know the bureaucratic procedures, correct filing of documents, knowledge of laws of the country. It is a long process and troublesome task, it is quite difficult for non-residents due to legal formalities, ignorance of the language and features of the procedures. Passports of Ukraine is the […]